Dear Shedheads,
Hey, that has a nice ring to it.
Today’s note will be short because I’m at the beach this week for a combo vacation and writing retreat. It’s getting near crunch time on my manuscript and I wanted to get to a place where I feel clear-headed and creative. The water always does that for me.
In the meantime, I’ve got a new episode of SOUTHBOUND out this morning with Nic Brown, former drummer for the ‘90s alt-rock band Athenaeum and now a writing professor at Clemson. He’s got a great new memoir called BANG BANG CRASH about those rock ‘n’ roll days … and why he walked away from them. If you don’t subscribe to SOUTHBOUND, now’s a good time; new episodes come out every other Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, NPR One and wherever else you get podcasts.
Back with links and such on Friday. See y’all then.—TT
What, no dog link o' the week? What am I supposed to do -- sit? Beg? Roll over?
Tommy, I know it’s probably too late for you to address this, but Westminster could be livened up considerably with the addition of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.