Thanks for the shout out to American Aquarium, one of my favorite bands. If you ever get the chance to chance to see BJ do a solo acoustic show - do it!

Hope you’re feeling better - and sad for the LFL, glad you’re gonna rebuild. Let your fans know if you need help, happy to land a hand.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10

So many little things bring me pleasure, i am definitely someone who is easily pleased. But the first thing that popped into my head was the scene from “Frasier” where Niles tries to iron his pants and starts a fire and it’s 3-4 minutes of solo comic genius. It makes me laugh and smile every time, and I’ve shared it with my two sons (aged 9 and 6) and they love it just as much.


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Yes, Tommy -- those three Foxygen dancers got me, too.

It happens to be that one of my go-to spirit-lifting clips is also from Letterman (2014) of another band with a charismatic dancing front man. Letterman was all over their performance, too -- Future Islands: https://youtu.be/upPl9mZW_zw?si=BnTowHjkp_mPtDmq

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Best wishes for your improved health. We need you to keep writing. In my opinion , you’re brilliant.

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Spending time with a cat or dog almost always gives me joy.

Holler if you want help rebuilding or restocking the library.

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The Letterman clip that always gives me a lift is Darlene Love's final Christmas appearance, standing on Paul Shaffer's piano with the band all wearing white tuxedos. It's glorious to watch, even when it's not the holidays.

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It is glorious - here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsU08y9peZg

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Tommy - first, I hope you’ve gotten the a-fib under control, brother. It can be a bear, I know - one of my brothers has it, too. Next, I couldn’t read the story about the cat dying. It seems that the older I get, the closer the tears are to the surface, and when I think about our last cat, well … so, no. The piece on Robin Williams was wonderful, and just cemented my belief that he really was a just a great human being. And, thank you for planning to put the LFL back up. Finally, that being easy to please seems to come easier every year as I grow ever more grateful for the people in my life, not the material possessions I have. My priorities have shifted, and I appreciate the smaller things like Shaunna buying me Reed’s Ginger Ale and putting it in the fridge for me unbidden.

Anyway, I didn’t mean to turn this into War and Peace. Love to you and Alix.

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I've followed you for years but never taken the time to say Thank you.

Thank you for helping me see the little joys, that are in reality, the best parts of life.

Thank you for the introduction to American Aquarium and Southern Roots, now and addition to my Saying Goodbye album.

Take care of yourself. AFIB sucks. Thankful you are getting treatment and improving.

Thank you for making today a better day.

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I'm very sorry to hear about your health problems, Tommy, and wish you a speedy recovery. A man with as big a heart as yours will rebound, I'm sure. Take good care, my friend.

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This Chris Stapleton and Justin Timberlake performance picks me up EVERY TIME. Great music and so much joy on stage and in the audience:


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What a photo! Alas, a Little Free Library box busted open. There's a whole story waiting for someone. Or political column, using the picture as metaphor : )

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Tommy -

Take care and hope you are feeling better soon!

I love the message about being easily pleased - I often think about the line from the James Taylor song Secret O’Life - “The secret o’life is enjoying the passing of time” - very true.

Also, this Letterman segment with the great Warren Zevon:

In an interview with David Letterman, both knowing Zevon's days were numbered, Letterman asked what he had learned about life: Looking straight through the camera lens into every soul watching, Zevon said, “Enjoy every sandwich!”

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It was lovely to see the often hard to please citizens of my adopted city give into the pleasure of seeing our town glow and shimmer in the spotlight that shined on the Paris 2024 summer Olympics. The feeling of joy that's infused this town is soul soothing and uplifting. If your subscribers need a kick, listen to Celine Dion sing "Hymne à l"Amour" or watch Simone Biles Floor Exercise routine. For me, when I need a boost, I watch videos of my grandson in the bathtub with his rubber ducky. Nobody should be that happy, but I'm glad he is. Feel better!

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Our pleasing would be that you get better as soon as possible!

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Love you, TT. When I see you, which happens not often enough these days, & you call me sweetheart, I swoon. Take good care of yourself, let Alix & even Joanne help, & be well.

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Tommy, whenever I need a quick lift I listen to one of my 3 favorite songs:

Time is Tight by Booker T and the MGs,

Buck’s Nouvele Joli Blon by Buckwheat


Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin On by Jerry Lee



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