I’m in a funk since the Braves lost, definitely in a stunned state still. I am watching the Astros/Yankees and Padres⚾️Phillies. Still love baseball but no dog in the hunt!🐝

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I'm right there with you with my Braves, Bulldogs and Colorado Avalanche all winning championships this year. I'm not sure what I did to deserve such luck, but my grace period will certainly last a while as I bask in that afterglow.

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I just finished the story about the MOVE bombings and it was incredible. I remember when it happened and it was as ugly a tragedy now as it was then. I pray the remaining family of the two young girls in the story finally have the closure they needed.

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Tommy, was that Bo Jackson home run during the first game under lights for the baseball Dawgs? I seem to have a memory of going to that game. But, maybe I’m imagining it.

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It was!

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