Optimism is true moral courage Ernest Shackleton

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Old Pennsylvania Dutch saying: “The hurrier I go the behinder I get”

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‘Crying won’t help you tie your shoes.” My father said that to me when as a small child I cried in frustration because I couldn’t tie them. He did not help me, he stood patiently and watched me do it. I have thought of that in so many situations over the years.

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Wow. I love this one.

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What! Me worry?

Alfred E. Nueman

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If you like the Ben Miller Professor T, try the Belgian version (also named Professor T) set in Antwerp. Slightly different, but also good. I watched it on PBS Passport (with subtitles - worth it).

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Joe Distelheim, who became my mentor and friend after leaving Charlotte, was always amused by one of the general assignment writers who would write 500-word stories on 300-word subjects: "I don't have time to write short," she'd complain.

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If you fail to pilot your own ship, don't be surprised at what inappropriate dock you find yourself docked.

Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

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Inappropriate port

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That book cover says Presumed Guilty, I believe?

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It does ... it's the latest of a series of novels featuring Rusty Sabich of PRESUMED INNOCENT.

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You are 100% right about it taking longer if you’re in a hurry. I have two favorite maxims:

Procrastination is the assassin of opportunity

Every saint has a past, every sinner a future

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