I used to call these "geezer concerts" and studiously avoided them. At 67, needless to say, I feel differently... Bob Dylan on Sunday night. Stay tuned. I expect I'll either love it, or start filling out apps for assisted living.

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How was it?

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omg / it was TREMENDOUS. we went with Dylan freaks and they said it was the best ever. Almost 2 hours, no break. Seriously good voice work (I mean Dylan, but good Dylan), and piano playing that was unexpectedly strong for me. Dude is an original. He carried that whole show behind a piano and one vocal mic. So glad we went.

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Speaking of public education, I saw this on Instagam yesterday. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1Z0z1grz5T/?igsh=MXNmYW5tMDJqa3R6dw%3D%3D&fbclid=IwAR2vFHzoE7y7iSCaHonVZZyu5zJe3FzakjBulUy1Y2kx_agM9bInGKpFbbg. There is no possibility that we can think that another country can do something better than us. I am guessing Finland might be the only democratic country that has this kind of public education. Charlie Pierce had a great last call article about Horace Mann last week. He would be aghast to see what our public education is like today.

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Thanks for the link on the Enid County Council recall. Interesting and terrifying at the same time. Here’s an article you may be interested in regarding the start of COVID: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2024/03/12/exp-covid-medicine-book-dr-cornelia-griggs-intv-031201pseg2-cnni-us.cnn. Enjoy!

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I'll check this out. Thanks!

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Tommy, thanks for calling out the RIP for Eric Carmen - I agree that “Go all the way” is an all-time classic - you can’t beat that Stones-ish guitar solo intro!

Reminds me of a time in the late 80’s when radio stations still gave away prizes for “the seventh caller who knows the ‘phrase of the day’” or something like that.

In South Florida we had a classic rock station WZTA (Zeta) that ran the daily “Acid Casualty” - at 7:05 AM weekdays they would play a few notes from a classic rock song, and the first caller with the correct answer would win a prize. I listened every morning, trying regularly but never getting through in time.

Then one morning the DJ played the first 3 notes of “Go all the way” - I dialed immediately and won, getting some radio glory….and a WZTA t-shirt 😄

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I used to love those contests. I won FRAMPTON COMES ALIVE that way...

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Thanks for all of the links. I enjoyed the stories and especially the YouTube of Springsteen and Mellencamp.

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Robert Plant is one of the best examples I've seen of an iconic artist reinventing himself as he got older... And in some ways as great as ever!

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The Raspberries keep staring at me! It’s unnerving. Knock it off!

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I first saw Mellencamp in '82 as an opening act for Heart. He was fantastic. I saw Springsteen in Pittsburgh on the eve of his birthday in '84. While Bruce is well known for his multiple long encores, this night after the main performance, the crowd started singing Happy birthday. The encore was unbelievable. It had to of been at least a four hour concert. The energy was off the charts. Great memories.

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I am incredibly happy to have been led to this newsletter. After the KaKa newsletter, this is hands down my favorite on Substack. Thank you for writing and sharing.

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