Several years ago, I had a manager that gifted me with a book, Eat That Frog. It was a quick read and, as you've likely guessed, it presented how much easier your days can be when you "eat your frog" first thing in the morning. That doesn't help with airplane rides, but I think of it often when I am anticipating a difficult day at work, an obligation I've made that I wish I hadn't, etc. It works - getting the worst thing out of the way can smooth the rest of your life everyday.

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Air purifiers. We run two for most of the year, especially one in the bedroom. Works wonders on the allergies.

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I am allergic to funerals. I really just don't go unless I absolutely have to. There's a memoiresque essay lurking here that starts with a car accident in 1965 and ends with the recent death of a friend. I honestly cannot think of one good god-damned reason for them. The older I get, the more allergic I become.

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I hear you. I sometimes find them really meaningful if the tone is right -- if it's an appreciation of a good life. But obviously they don't always turn out that way.

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I sometimes find I don’t recognize the person being talked about. At my last funeral, someone was compelled to claim that the deceased abhorred foul language…. Oh man, that was f-ed up…

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PEAR TREES! It doesn’t take but a half day in Charlotte when they are blooming before I start wheezing.

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That's probably what it is for me, too.

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