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Thank you, Jeff. That's very kind.

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My goodness, what an athlete. But now, he either has CTE or some kind of actual brain damage, just hearing him talk. I want us to support public servants with disabilities who can do the job (Biden’s stutter, Fetterman’s stroke, any number of folks in wheelchairs), but it feels like someone is taking advantage of Walker and making him a puppet.

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That might be true ... but I also think there's a part of him that just wants the limelight again.

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Excellent capture of the mood in so many of today's political races. I'm heartbroken that America has chosen to ditch their common sense, manners, and sense of civic duty in order to back those who would tear us apart.

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Well, the midterms turned out far better than a lot of us had feared. There's still hope.

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Well said, but I bet difficult to write!

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I had been stewing on it for quite a while.

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Well said, can't wrap my head around how such flawed folks at up at the top. Feels like it's a symptom of the system rather than ... I don't know, conscious decisions by the electorate.

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It's some of both, I think. No particular qualifications to be elected, and a lot of voters who don't vote and/or pay attention.

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Thanks, Tommy. You helped me understand this crazy election cycle. I had never heard of Hershel Walker until I saw him on TV making his denials. I’m with you, I hope the people in GA have enough sense to vote for his opponent.

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We'll find out in a few weeks!

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I'm heartbroken at what American has become, and even more so to think it must have been there, festering under the surface, all this time. My dad was a Bataan "survivor," and paid something just barely short of the ultimate sacrifice for the country he believed in. I grew up the sunlight of democracy, with the unchallenged belief that we were the good guys. Vietnam shattered that, but I thought we'd recover. Now we are inundated by cynicism and cruelty. Today, Election Day, feels like the beginning of the end. Herschel could run. But he cannot think, and that, combined with his celebrity made him the perfect - and perfectly tragic - tool for those who would steal America's greatness and spend it on self-gratification.

Beautifully written, Tommy. Epically sad.

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Your response is beautifully written as well, Jack.

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HW, like many others, has serious baggage and should NOT be an elected official. Others were found to be downright cads....John Edwards always comes to mind. And he was bright and polished, which Herschel is NOT.

Oh boy....as I write this the elections are hours away from being completed (thank God!)

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Not over yet! We'll see what happens in a few weeks.

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Well said Tommy. It pains me to see what America has become, but it also pains me to see someone I respected speak such trash. I too am praying that the good folks in Georgia re-elect Rev. Warnock and send Herschel to the showers. I also pray for our country that our very fragile democracy can survive.

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Thank you, Emmie. They gave us a cliffhanger until December.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Tommy Tomlinson


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