I still often favor listening to the radio via the MLB TV app. The hometown guys, of course. On the IPhone, it’s almost like the old transistor radio.

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As a lifelong Dodger fan, I freely admit I wept last night. And now I’m weeping again. Such a treasure, an incredible gift, and thankful we’ll always have recordings of Vin sharing his love of the game with all of us.

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Thank you so much for this, Tommy. As a lifelong Dodgers fan (Jackie started at first base just 6 months before I was born) I love nothing quite so much as hearing Vin Scully call a game. (Although hearing Red Barber and Bob Edwards yucking it up in Morning Edition came a close second.) I was living in LA and watching when Kirk Gibson hit the walk-off and it was a religious experience! LaSorda was the happiest man I've ever seen. And he made the ballsiest coaching decision in baseball history. Hearing Scully call it again made me a happy old man.

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