So just a hour or so after I posted this morning’s regular newsletter, a box arrived on our doorstep. The galleys of DOGLAND had arrived.
Galleys (also known as advance reader copies, or ARCs) are the early versions of the book that go out to potential reviewers, media outlets and the like. They’re also called uncorrected proofs because the book hasn’t been all the way through the editing process yet (although at this point, we’re pretty damn close).
Even though it’s not quite the finished product, it’s the first time we can hold the book in our hands. It’s a huge thrill.
I am obligated to mention here that if you want to hold DOGLAND in your hands, now’s the time to preorder through Park Road Books (my favorite bookstore) or other outlets. This would also be a good time to upgrade to a paid subscription to The Writing Shed, if you haven’t already. I’m working on some bonus material for paid subscribers.
And now, here’s a short unboxing video. Note our cat, Jack Reacher, in the background. He is outraged that the book is not called CATLAND.
Your kitty is photobombing DOGLAND! So catty! Yay! Great things come to great people!
Woooo hooooo! So exciting. Just give Jack Reacher the box. He’ll be fine.